
Classy Half Sleeved Off-Shoulder Dress

Half sleeves are a great way of covering up your arms while showing up a bit of skin, thus making sure you aren’t frying on a hot sunny day.  The fluffy design at the neckline makes sure you look fun and playful, making it the perfect outfit for a date or a social event like a wedding. A gold chain belt and matching jewelry will turn the dress for an outfit to a statement.

$ 30.00

Half sleeves are a great way of covering up your arms while showing up a bit of skin, thus making sure you aren’t frying on a hot sunny day.  The fluffy design at the neckline makes sure you look fun and playful, making it the perfect outfit for a date or a social event like a wedding. A gold chain belt and matching jewelry will turn the dress for an outfit to a statement.

Weight 1 kg